Adapted from the romantic drama written by Alexandre Dumas, La Traviata, by Giuseppe Verdi, tells the story of the pure sublime love of Violetta, a dying Parisian courtesan, and Alfredo, her admirer and son of a good provincial family. They attempt to live their love in freedom, but unfortunately, their love is tainted by the constraints of society and the inevitability of an illness caused by overindulgence. This lyrical masterpiece is famous for its’ romantic pieces Brindisi and Semper Libera, which are hymns to passion.
La Traviata
Elevating the emotions on stage.
Our multimedia director Félix Fradet-Faguy fully covered, with video projection, the impressive organic decor of over 30 feet high. Playing with dimensions and perceptions, the projections alter the nature of the setting, sometimes subtle and integrated with the lighting, or subversively to enhance the emotion of a scene.
Inspired by the Belle Époque, the visual treatment remains contemporary and bathes each act and its’ themes in a unique visual atmosphere, which in turn intensifies the colours and the fervour of the music. The matte décor transforms into a mirror and magnifies Violetta’s inner conflicts with green screen shots embedded in visuals.